After a long day of working, chasing the kids around, cooking meals, and doing laundry, wouldn’t it be nice if just ONE thing in life was simple?
When you are finally sitting down on the couch for your few precious moments of relaxation – whether those moments are spent listening to music or catching up on your latest Netflix binge session – it would be awesome if you didn’t have to put effort, time, and thought into relaxing.
Well, now you don’t have to. No longer do you have to sit down on the couch and fumble between 50 different remotes to try to find which one controls the audio and which one controls Netflix and which one knows how to turn the TV to the right input. With one remote controlling your whole home automation system, you can easily control your lighting, security, climate, and media all at once from the palm of your hand.
All of us at A Sound Look know you work hard and deserve your relaxation time – and we’re here to help make sure you get it. Let’s take a look at just how a whole home system remote can help make your home life much, much more convenient.
One Remote to Rule Them All
How many remotes are you used to using? If you have more than one, that’s too many. The best part of a smart home remote is that you can condense all the remotes you have and replace them with slick, sophisticated, multi-purpose remotes.
Most smart home remotes are also going to offer you more features and functionality than your regular TV remote would have. Of course, there’s the basic control options – your smart home remote can also control things like lightings, shading, and house temperature. But, how you interact with the remote has also been improved, as many home automation remotes feature high-resolution touch screens, personalized buttons, and even accelerometers.
Fewer remotes, yet more features – that’s something we can get behind.
Customize Your Control
Now that you’ve reduced your remote pile from many down to one, you’ve taken the first step toward streamlining the control over your smart home. You’ve already made big steps toward a freer future, but this is just the beginning.
The thing about home automation systems is that they are adaptable and unique to every customer. Every home has different needs and wants for their system, and it’s part of our job to make sure that you are getting a system that works the way you want it to and is adaptable to all the control needs of your home and family.
With customizable smart home remotes, we can do this. Whether you want to set up a shortcut button to turn the AC on, have favorite channels you want the remote to be able to access easily, or are just looking for a one-button command that turns off all the lights in the house and locks the doors at the end of the day, we can help program your remote so it works the way YOU want it to.
The Way of the Voice
Pushing buttons is so 2015, and more and more devices are starting to harness the power of voice control assistants like Siri to offer more options for quick and easy control. And when it comes to your smart home, you actually want to experience true control and convenience at the same time, all you need to do is speak up! With certain smart home remote models, your voice becomes the gateway for your remote’s features. Forget having to grab the remote or remembering which buttons to press -- now, things truly are just as easily said as done.
Wherever You Are
There’s nothing worse then getting your whole A/V system set up, only to realize that there’s something blocking your remote from your devices. Maybe it’s a cabinet door? Maybe it’s distance? Whatever it is, it’s getting in the way.
Well, it’s not something you have to worry about anymore. For example, some smart home remotes still let you use them to control devices through barriers – even walls – no matter where you are. It makes setting up your system that much easier, and really opens up all of your options for smart control.
Whether you are looking for a home automation system, a remote for that system, or need help upgrading said system, always remember that we’re the top local integrator in town! Give us a call at 505-983-5509 or turn your channel over to our Contact Us page and get in touch. No matter what automation solutions you are looking for, we’re always glad to help!